PES Humanitarian-“EEE for School Students”

PES Humanitarian-“EEE for School Students”

The Power and Energy Society Student Chapter under IEEE SB OUCE, had organized a humanitarian event 27th January, 2020. As a part of the event, we visited Jamia Osmania Government High School to interact with the 9th grade students.

Members of IEEE SB OUCE along with few volunteers reached the school at around 1:30pm and met the teachers there. They co-operated with us and made all the students of 9th standard of all the sections to sit together. Then, we explained some basics on generation of electricity and how it reaches till our homes.

We explained the importance and need of Renewable energy sources such as Wind and Solar. Then, we displayed some charts on these topics. The students were enthusiastic and very active. They even asked us few doubts. As we mentioned renewable energy sources, one of the students stood and asked about generation of electricity using Piezo electric crystals. We felt very happy about such response and we have clarified all his doubts on it and gave him a basic idea on it. After that we have displayed some practical demonstrations such as glowing a led through Dynamo, working of a basic DC motor, model of turbine blades and then getting DC output from a solar panel rated 12V. All the demonstrations were shown to the students by selecting few students from the gathering.

Then, we conducted a technical and non-technical quiz competition which consisted around 20 questions. The students who gave appropriate answers were gifted with pens. Also, we have made the students to play a game named ‘Chinese Whisper’ to make them understand the level of their communication.

At the end, we along with the help of volunteers have distributed water bottles for daily utility and also chocolates for around 100 students. All the students felt very happy with the event and thanked us. Then, we proceeded to thank all the teachers and Principal of the school for helping us making the event successful and we took an official photograph with everyone. Finally, with hand full of memories and wonderful experience, we returned from the school around 3:30pm.