RAS Phase-2 Orientation+Session-1 “Introduction to Python”

RAS Phase-2 Orientation+Session-1 “Introduction to Python”

The first session of the IEEE OUCE RAS Student Chapter was conducted on the 10th of February, 2020. The speakers were Mr. K. Abhinav Venkat and Mr. Najeebuddin Mohammed. The main aim of the session was to explain the plan of the upcoming sessions and to introduce Python programming.

The session started with a small orientation about the Working Plan for phase-2, including all the topics and practical sessions that will be held. The attendees were asked to give their inputs based on the phase-1 sessions they attended last year.

This was followed by introduction to Python programming language, as it is necessary for Raspberry Pi control. The basics syntax and instruction were shown to the students along with the operators used. The attendees were asked to execute all the statements taught along with the speaker. A few videos were shown regarding the general application of the statements as well. At the end, two problem statements were given for the attended to solve.

The session ended with a Q&A session regarding everything that was taught in the session as well as the general plan for all upcoming sessions.