The session was conducted on 11th February, 2020 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. The students who were divided into 7 teams, were informed in the previous session to purchase components for a wired bot. The session commenced by giving introduction to types of switches and explaining the internal circuit and uses of each type of switch emphasizing on DPDT switches the most. The circuit diagram for the wired bot was handed out to each team and the circuit was explained.
After explaining about the theory required, the practical session started at 5:30. The teams were shown videos on soldering. These videos were made by the organizers themselves and thus all the critical connections were explained. The organizers also practically demonstrated soldering for each team and all the members of each team were told to practice soldering one or two joints in front of the organizers. The students were then told to complete the connections for the motor, followed by the DPDT switches and finally after checking the entire circuit battery connections were given.
Later, bills of the components purchased by each team were collected and attendance was taken. At the end a few teams competed with each other using their bots. All the soldering rods, lead, flux, wires, pliers, tape, screwdrivers were provided to the students by the club and were collected back at the end. The session ended at 7:30.