RAS Phase-2 Session-2 “Cont. to Python”

RAS Phase-2 Session-2 “Cont. to Python”

The second session of the Phase-II of the IEEE OUCE RAS Student Chapter was organised on the 24th of February, 2020. The session was conducted by Mr. K. Abhinav Venkat, Executive Chair of IEEE OUCE SB and Mr. B. Rakshith, Chair of both IEEE OUCE RAS Student Chapter and IEEE OUCE Student Branch. The session continued the introduction of python along with its applications.

The session started with string data type and all the operations that can be performed with them. Special emphasis was given on the most commonly used functions for performing such operations. This was followed by a deep dive into looping statements. Practical examples and a few exercises were given to the attendees regarding ‘while’ and ‘for’ statements. Common mistakes were also shown. Then came the deep dive into the three secondary data type: lists, tuples and dictionaries. Their syntax, related operations and common uses were explained along with the differences between all of them.

The last topic of the day was functions. This being one of the most important topics in python, more time was taken to explain it clearly. The syntax and common mistakes in defining and calling were explained. The session ended with Q&A by the attendees to clarify any doubts they had in any of the discussed topics.