The session was conducted on 4th March, 2020 in the computer’s lab of the EEE department. The session first had a theory explanation about what are microprocessors and micro controllers , what is an IDE , what is Arduino and uses of Arduino, explanation of the Arduino board , method to install libraries , basic functions , difference between digital and analogue pins and when to use them and methods to power the Arduino board .
Later students were explained basic codes to give clarity on the use of digitalRead, digitalWrite , delay and pinmode and 3 tasks were given to the students to execute using Arduino . The first task was to write a program to configure pin 13 as output and constantly display “high ” on it. The second task was to blink an LED continuously with a gap of 1 second. And the final task was to blink 3 LED’s i.e. red, green and blue continuously with a gap of 1 second.
Every team was given an Arduino uno module, cable, jumper wires, 1 bread board, and few LED’s. Each team was again split into groups of 2 to 3 students and each group was given one PC with Arduino installed and asked to code so that everyone gets hands on experience. Later the codes were checked by the organizers, and everyone used the given Arduino modules and other components to practically view the working of their codes. The expense of all the provided components was borne by the club. At the end doubts were clarified and details for the next session were given.