The Power and Energy society(PES) of IEEE OUCE Student branch, has conducted an event “ACE THE TETRAD”, first of its kind, as a part of mock interviews. The main motto of the event was to make students familiar with the job recruitment process. The final round of the interview series was the HR interview. The interviews were conducted by the seniors of respective departments, to test how well the candidate can fit into the company’s work culture.

The HR round consisted of 20 marks, of which marks were allotted for their communication skills, confidence, body language, clarity of thoughts, articulation and relevance of answers. The interviewers focused on the strengths, team work qualities, soft skills of the candidates besides testing their technical proficiency. After a round of tricky questions, the interviewers have emphasized the importance of building one’s resume, understanding the job profile, and advised them to be honest with their interests and capabilities. Feedback of the performance was sent to all the candidates, and the interviewers stressed on their strengths and areas of improvement. In conclusion, there was an active participation from the students of all the departments. The interviews were concluded by the HR round and winners from each domain were announced, based on their marks in all the rounds. Prizes and merit certificates were given to the top 5 participants and participation certificates along with the personal feedback was sent to all the participants