The Power and Energy society(PES) of IEEE OUCE Student branch, has conducted an event “ACE THE TETRAD”, first of its kind, as a part of mock interviews. The first round of the interview series was the Technical interview. The interviews were conducted by the seniors of respective departments, to test technical knowledge of the candidates .

The Technical round consisted of 30 marks . Interviewers of this round are well placed seniors and seniors who secured a good gate rank. Interviewers took ample amount of time to test candidate’s technical knowledge .

In most of college placements, students find it difficult to clear technical round but with this mock interview students got an idea on how to crack this round. Each participant got an  idea of  themselves on how good they are  in technical round.

Feedback of the performance was sent to all the candidates, and the interviewers stressed on their strengths and areas of improvement. In conclusion, there was an active participation from the students of all the departments. Winners from each domain were announced, based on their marks in all the rounds.