IEEE Student Branch OUCE

D. E. Shaw & Co.


ROLE : TechAssociate

CTC : 20 LPA



Selected Candidates

Aitha Kavya

Department:  CSE


Written test consisted of aptitude, cs basics and 2 coding questions. There are 4 sections and each section has a time limit. There is negative marking for mcqs section. Coding questions are of medium level. Time constraint was the main problem in this round. Only 2 were selected for interview round based on written test

In first round of interview they asked introduction, a basic question on java, 2 coding questions. There are 2 interviewers. They asked to explain approach for coding question and then asked to code. The coding questions were of medium level

In second round of interview they asked 3 coding questions. First they asked approach and then asked to code for 2 coding questions. Since they are offering testing role they asked questions based on testing. Those testing questions can be answered based on your debugging experience and basic knowledge.It is important to prepare for testing based questions if you are attending testing role interview. They asked few hr questions at last.

Telling the approach for a coding question is very important even though your code doesn’t run for all test cases.Be confident while answering questions. It is very important that you go through role being offered before applying for the company .