ROLE : Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
CTC : Internship – 1,00,000 per month
ELIGIBILITY : Students who are pursuing their B.E/B.Tech
- A CGPA of 7.0 for students from Computer Science/Engineering background.
- A CGPA of 8.0 for students from other disciplines.
- Exceptional knowledge of (Python/Java/Go/C/Shell) Linux systems, Internals, and Strong Communicational Skills.
Selected candidates
Department :CSE
Arcesium summer internship interview experience (offer)
Online Assesment:
First Round was conducted on August 2nd. It was an online test that had 13 questions 10 MCQs and 3 coding questions. MCQs were about DSA (Dijkstra’s algorithm, merge & insertion sort, time complexity), javascript functions, and aptitude questions.
The 3 coding questions were
1) sort odd and even numbers in an array separately:-
It was a pretty easy one, here we have to sort even numbers in ascending and odd numbers in descending order and print them alternatively (I used two arrays to store even and odd arrays sorted them, and printed them )
2) special sum:-
It was a medium-level question, here for an array we find all subarrays, and the sum of elements of these subarrays are stored in another array and are sorted we are given queries of the form (i, j) and we have to return the sum of values in the constructed array between this range
(I constructed the array and then used the prefix sum concept to answer the queries)
3) Lazy Bartender:-
It is a very famous dp question. I tried solving this using the greedy approach but didn’t get it.
hope this link helps
This was an offline round and started off with my self Introduction.
As I mentioned about my personal projects in the introduction,the interviewer asked me to brief about my individual projects and challenges I faced in developing them.
I mentioned about challenges in each project and also mentioned how I overcame them.
He asked me some basic tags in html as one of my projects was on frontend.
Basically It was a coding round and he gave me a question on leetcode to solve.
At last he asked me to say something about me that’s not in the Resume. He also asked me the reason for choosing computer Science.
Basically it was a logical thinking round and started off with my self introduction(Self Introduction was mandatory in each round).
This round lasted for only half an hour and he gave me two logical thinking questions.
1.Two persons got into a bus at Point A and they got down at Point B.After travelling some distance, at point C,a big rock fell on the bus and everyone in the bus died.But the two people who got down at Point B felt sad.why?
2.A person lives on the tenth floor of a building. He takes the elevator to go to the groundfloor for some work or shopping.But while coming up,he gets off the elevator at 7th floor and walks three whole floors to get home.He hates walking,then what is the reason for doing so?
Following these questions, the interviewer asked me to brief about my projects.(Be well prepared with your Resume).
It was a Technical round and started off with my self Introduction.The Interviewer asked me what my favourite subject was.As I said it was DBMS,she started asking questions from DBMS.
This round focussed mainly on Computer Science subjects like Data structures and Algorithms,OOPs,DBMS,Operating Systems,Computer Networks,Computer Organization and Cloud Computing.
She asked a lot of follow up questions from each subject.
Some of the questions asked-
Computer Networks:
Questions on Application layer protocols like DNS.
Questions on ISO/OSI model.
Questions on ARP,RARP.
Questions on Topologies(she asked me to draw a topology and mention its advantages and disadvantages).
Questions on each layer of ISO/OSI model.
Database and Database Management System.
ACID properties and how consistency is achieved.
joins,sql queries
Different keys in DBMS.
Page Replacement Algorithms
CPU Scheduling
Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms and their examples
Synchronization-(locks and Semaphores)
virtual memory
Some questions related to indexing(Hashing)
File organization.
Cloud Computing:
what’s a cloud and cloud computing.
Brief about IaaS, SaaS, PaaS models of Cloud computing.
Real life examples of different Service models of cloud.
She asked me a lot of follow up questions in each subject and I don’t remember all of them 🙂
(Note: Make Sure that you are strong enough with your basics and try to relate them with the real life applications).
Finally ,as I mentioned I was a creative thinker,she asked me some logical puzzles to solve.
1.Three jars consisting of Candies,Sweets,and a mixture of Candies&Sweets were mislabelled.(All the three jars were mislabelled) Find the minimum number of eatables to be pickedup to label the jars correctly.
2.A thief moves to adjacent rooms every night in a row of rooms.(All doors are closed).Find
a strategy to open the doors by a person daily in order to find the thief.
The round lasted for more than an hour.
This was the final round.It was basically HR round.As usual the round started off with my self Introduction.The interviewer went through my resume for a moment and asked me the latest version of java.(As one of my projects was on java).
He then started asking some HR questions.
1.Do you know the role you have applied for?
2.when we consider a company,70 percent of the employees are software developers with a good remuneration.Reliability engineers are very less in number.If a company offers you a software developer role with a very high remuneration,will you quit this job and join them?
3.Can you name some of the world’s biggest companies?
4.If you got an offer from microsoft,google and Amazon (same role),then which company will you choose and why?
5.As you have worked mostly on frontend projects,why do you choose to be a Reliability Engineer?
6.Do you know the work of Arcesium? What products and projects the company works upon.
He gave a brief info about Arcesium and its work culture.
Finally, Got Selected!!
1.Be Confident.
2.Make sure you are perfect with basics of Computer Science Subjects.
3.Be well prepared with your Resume.
4.Focus on DSA and Coding.
Department :CSE
Section based timings:
1)Aptitude-30 questions
2)Computer Science-Operating Systems, C++,Java code snippets- 20 Questions
3)Coding – 2 questions
Coding question-1:
Corona Attack:
We need to give the count of cities that got affected on given kth day based on the given conditions. It is based on array manipulation and XOR operation.
Coding Question-2:
Pirate Attack:
Few sections have negative marking
16 Members shortlisted for next round
Total of 60 Members from other colleges
Next round took place in Arcesium Office
Self Introduction
Question based on Projects
How is your project different from that on internet?
Tools and Libraries used in the project
Questions based on resume
How frequent do you code?
Preferable language for coding-questions on that language
Coding Question:
4 members selected for next round
Self Introduction
Resume based questions
Two puzzles
What is Operating System?
What is Paging, Page defaults, Memory Management, Types of Memory?
Scheduling Algorithms
Difference between preemptive and non preemptive scheduling algorithms
SQL queries
ACID properties
How are these properties applicable?
Computer Networks:
OSI-ISU model
TCP model
Data link layer-Error Handling
3 members selected for next round
Self Introduction
Question based on Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Computer Organisation, Data Structures, Cloud Computing
Types of Errors with code snippets
What exactly happens when you click the start button of a laptop?
Rate yourself for Data Structures
Behavioral Questions
3 Members selected for next round
Self Introduction
What are your plans for next five years?
What do you do in your free time?
What are your hobbies and what movies and TV series you watch?
3 members were offered the internship
Should cover all core subjects of Computer Science and Soft skills is must