The session was conducted on the 2nd of February,2020 and was hosted by the IEEE OUCE RAS Student Chapter and the chief speaker was Mr. M.V. Sudhanshu, Treasurer of IEEE OUCE Student Branch. The session started at 4:30 and the students were first explained about a basic breadboard and how connections are done on a breadboard. The students were divided into groups and each group was given one breadboard along with 4 resistors and told to create a given circuit. The students were guided and assisted in doing so by the organizers. An introduction to all the basic components was done by showing the majority of the components in practical. Components like- types of switches, types of motors used, gears, types of wheels, chassis, wires, battery etc. were explained emphasizing on their application in the coming sessions and in the field of robotics. The session was concluded by giving students instructions for the next session which included buying components (battery 12V, 4 motors, chassis and tires, dpdt switches and box) as a team and at the end their doubts regarding the basic components were clarified. The students’ registration sheet was updated and attendance was taken. There were total 38 participants excluding the organizers.