journey of growth

journey of growth

journey of growth

“The Journey of Growth, Empowerment and Success” by Prof. S. Ramachandram

On 5th August,2019 an interactive session with former honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Ramachandram Sirandas had been conducted in E-classroom of EED from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm, organized and hosted by IEEE OUCE Student Branch, UCE, OU under the guidance of Prof. G. Mallesham, Head of Electrical Department.

This session was organized to honor former Vice Chancellor Prof. Ramachandran Sirandas in the view of his contributions to Osmania University and provide students an opportunity to interact with him. The session was graced by Prof. P.V. Sudha, Head of CSE Department, other faculty along with Prof. G. Mallesham and Prof. Ramachandran Sirandas.

After having brief introductions about former Vice Chancellor, he took the stage. He started sharing his experiences from when he was also a student of OU. Currently he is a part of IEEE as well as CSI. He shared how he became passionate about programming and how self-learning is more important without depending on others.

Regarding his profession he stated “This is the only profession where young minds listen to you” as to why he is stuck to only this. He also encouraged that student professor interaction should be present saying that it is a two way learning process.

This session helped in motivating and inspiring students for their coming future.