IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE : Software Engineer

CTC :  8.91 LPA




Selected candidates


Department : ECE


There were a total of 5 coding questions and 2 SQL queries divided among five sections.  The difficulty of the questions was easy-medium, and it was on the HackerRank platform.
Eleven people got shortlisted for the interview process after the first round among 200 odd applicants.
There were 2 Technical interviews and 1 Managerial/Hr interview.
(Tell me about yourself, Any questions for me? are common in every round)

Second Round (First technical interview) – [Difficulty was Easy- Medium]It was a pure DSA/Problem-solving round. There were three questions.
1) It was a variation of
It took me longer to solve than I’d expect as I was a bit nervous, but I managed to solve it.
I solved it pretty quickly, but the interviewer took a lot of time to explain the question.
There was very little time left for the interview. So, I explained my approach for all the variations (2-3 variations)that the interviewer asked. There was no time left for writing the code, but the interviewer
was happy with my approach. We had to solve at least two questions to move to the next round. The interview lasted for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Third Round (Second Technical round) – [Difficulty was Medium]1) There were two strings, text and pattern. We need to find all the occurrences of pattern’s anagrams in the text string.
I struggled to solve this question for a while but managed to solve it eventually.
The interviewer asked me about my contributions to Tedx Ou 2020’s Web-Dev team, as I was a part of it. The interview lasted for about one and a half hours.

 (Managerial/Hr round)
The interviewer was the director of some department in FactSet. It was more like a conversation rather than an interview. We talked about my open-source contributions, my blog ( plug), and my article on GeeksForGeeks. We also talked about the current education system (he liked my views, especially on engineering). We then moved on to my short and long-term goals. Then I asked him to tell me about FactSet, and his pitch was excellent.
This round lasted for about 40 minutes.
Two members got offer letters after the recruitment process, and I was lucky enough to be one of them.
Here are some tips which might help you in your interviews:
1) In coding rounds, always be vocal. Walk your interviewer through your thought process, as it will keep them engaged throughout the interview.
2) Don’t shy away from seeking help if you are stuck. The interviewers will always try to help if you ask the right questions. Every interviewer was super friendly.
3) For the Hr/Managerial round, be as honest as possible.


Department : CSE


Round 1(Written Online Test): This test was a total of four questions
This test was based on coding and SQL.
4 coding questions – which should be written in only 1 language of your choice
2 SQL query – medium-level query.
You can switch between sections and a specific time slot is allocated for each section
The results were declared on the next day.

Round 2(Technical Round 1): This was conducted on next day.
This was hosted on HackerRank Lobby (A platform where the Interviewer should allow you to join and can have a video conference along with the interviewer and the question is displayed
on the screen along with the editor ).
The solution for each question should be discussed first and later the code should be written explaining each step.
This round lasted for one 45minutes to 1hour.

Round 3(Technical Round 2): This round was conducted with a half an hour to forty-five minutes gap from the previous round on the same day.
This round lasted for 1hour.
After this round, I got a mail later saying that I will have the hr round in an hour.

Round 4(Hr Round): This round was more focused on my skills, personality, and projects done.
This round was hosted on Microsoft Teams on the same day.
Questions asked:
Discussion and Questions based on resume
Project explanations.
Technologies I know.
Any gap in educational years.
How were the previous rounds? How did u feel?
How was the online test?
Are you good at competitive programming?
What do you do in your free time?
What role do I prefer?
Are you Interested to do Masters?
What do u know about Factset?
Why Factset?
Do I know any employee previously working in FactSet?
Questions on family background
Where u do you want to see yourself in 5 years?
Any questions?