ROLE: Associate in Engineering Development
ELIGIBILITY: BE&ME (Circuit Branches)
Selected candidates
Department : ECE
Tell me about yourself is a common question in any kind of interview round.
The online coding test (90 minutes ) consisted MCQs. Many questions are from Signals and Systems, Control Systems, Embedded Systems , C, C++, Java(we had a flexibility to choose any two programming languages), there was one bonus section which consists of
matlab and python followed by 2 coding questions .
Topic for group discussion was “Should the number of IIT’s be increased or not ?”
Every round is an elimination round.
(For me it was HR for about 20 minutes)
1) Tell me about your family
2) What do you like in your native place ?
3) What do you know about EDG program ?
4) Tell me a challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?
5) Which domain would you like to work , when you join the company ?
(Technical Round-90 minutes)
The interviewer asked me to explain about the project I am proud of and later asked questions related to it which carried for 15 minutes.
Later, I was asked to choose one subject among Digital Signal Processing, Control Systems and Embedded Systems.
I chose control Systems and he asked me relevant questions in the following topics
• Open loop and closed loop
• Aliasing Effect
• State Space Analysis
• Compensators and Controllers
• Steady State Error Calculations
• Signal Flow Graphs and Block Diagram Reduction methods
Then he asked me about my favorite programming language and shared a hackerrank link which directed to the coding platform
• Displayed some code snippets to find the output and errors if any.
• OOPS Concepts
• Finally asked me to code a program for reversing k nodes in a linked list.
(Managerial round -20minutes)
1) How is your day.?
2) What is your favorite programming language and how much do you rate yourself in that on a scale of 10.?
3) Which domain you are interested in and why.?
4) How is your project related to that domain.?
5) Do you have any plans on higher studies.?
6) Any location preference ?
These interview rounds may happen in any order depending on the availability.
Department : ECE
• It was a written test which consisted of questions belonging to core as well as coding. It was conducted on Hacker rank platform and was an elimination round.
• Questions related to core were mainly focused on controls, signals and embedded systems.
• Followed by these were coding mcqs which had to be attempted in any one language out of C, C++ and Java. I selected C++.
• Then there were two coding questions which could be written in either C++, C or java. PYTHON was NOT allowed. I wrote in C++.
• The first code was – there are two people who are practicing coding. First person started ahead and did P problems even before the second person started. Once the second person began , he started doing K problems
everyday while the first person was doing A problems everyday. Write a code to find the number of days that the second person requires to beat the first person. If he cannot beat, then return -1.
• Second code was – An array of numbers was given. Write a code to find the sum of odd factors of all the numbers in the array.
• Final section consisted of 5 Matlab mcqs. This test can be qualified with fine knowledge on core subjects and basic programming.
After the online test, the list of the qualified people was given in 1-2 days.
All the next rounds were conducted in a single day which was after 2-3 days after the announcement of the result of the first round.
• We were divided into groups of 6 people
• The topic we were given was Open-source vs licensed source.
• It was also an elimination round.
One can qualify this round with good communication skills and presence of mind.
Next rounds were TECHNICAL, MANAGERIAL and HR Interviews These can be taken in any order. Each stage is an elimination round.
• There were two interviewers, one of them was from Vlsi background and other was from Controls and Communication background.
• Tell me about your project.
• As my project belonged to Vlsi domain I was asked few questions from the same field. This discussion lasted for about 20min.
• The interviewer asked what my favorite subject was. It was control systems.
• Difference between open loop and closed loop.
• Examples of open loop and closed loop.
• Is Bluetooth TV remote closed loop or open loop.
• Which is more stable and why.
• How will you define stability.
• What is meant by steady state error.
• Why do we go for Laplace domain analysis.
• Give an example where Laplace is helpful than time domain.
• Laplace of sin(wt).
• What will be the graph for that transform.
• How can you define the stability of a system in Laplace domain.
• Define the stability of the system based on poles
• What is P, I, D controller.
• What happens when PI, PD controller are added to the system.
• What happens when Kp is continuously increased in P controller.
• Is P controller open loop or closed loop.
• Is P controller a stable system.
• What will be the steady state error of P controller.
• When can be steady state error defined.
• If steady state error is more, can we say that system is unstable.
• What happens when you give a sampled input to P controller.
• Is PD controller open loop or closed loop.
• Is PD controller stable or unstable.
• What happens when a large amount of noise is passed to a PD controller.
• Example of PID controller.
• Explain Oops concept.
• I selected C++ as my programming language.
• They asked me to share my screen and made me write code in Hacker rank
• They gave me a code and told me to correct it.
• Pointers based code was given and I was asked to find the outputs.
• The interviewer asked me to write a code for P controller.
• You are provided with a sampled input you need to operate each amplitude
in the sampled input. Which one will you use arrays or pointers.
• How do you use pointers.
• Write the code to show how you use pointers.
• Write the code for PD controller.
• Do you want to know anything from us, any questions.
It took 1hr 30 min for this technical interview, you’ll be given ample amount of time to answer the questions using your knowledge. There won’t be any rush.
• The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to ask him a question.
• He made me ask 3 questions.
• Do you know C language.
• Rate yourself in C++.
• How did the Hacker rank test go in the first round.
• What were the challenges you faced during your project and how did you overcome them.
• What are the things which you learnt from NCC (as I mentioned in my resume).
• Why are you interested in this job.
• Do you like to go for your higher studies.
• Asked me about my internship.
• How do you manage pressure.
• How will you manage your time.
• How did you manage your academics along with these extracurricular activities.
• How much do you know about Matlab.
• What are the things that you implemented with help of Simulink (I mentioned in my resume that I am familiar with Simulink).
• How will you import the Simulink blocks to Matlab.
• How can you give inputs in Simulink with help of Matlab.
• Do you know on which domains Hyderabad and Bangalore are working on.
• What are the domains you are interested in.
It lasted for 45min, this round mainly focuses on life experiences and your knowledge about the company.
• Tell me about yourself and your family.
• Ask me a question.
• What are the situations you worked with a team. What are the challenges that you faced.
• How will you manage your time.
• If your friends are talking about you, what do you think will they talk about.
• Why did you join Osmania.
• Why did you take ECE.
• Do you like to go for your higher studies.
It lasted for 15-20min, which was a casual talk.
I can’t memorize every question that they asked me, these are some of the questions which I can remember.
♦ Make sure you have a project on which you can talk and answer any question.
♦ It is an added advantage if you have an internship.
♦ If you don’t know an answer, don’t be silent , discuss your thoughts with
the interviewer so that he can help you move in the right direction.
♦ Check the domains in MathWorks and select one domain. Be as perfect as you can in it so that you can attempt any question.
♦ Go through the job description and know how Bangalore and Hyderabad differ in their work.
♦ Prepare few questions which you can ask them before the interview because we may go blank when they suddenly ask us to pose them a question. It is always better to be prepared ahead.
Department : CSE
(90 min 44 questions)
6 aptitude
6 Programming concepts related to general algorithms and their complexities.
java, c, c++ each 8 questions
We need to choose two out of three.Questions were mostly on pointers in C and oops in java and c++.
python(6 questions).Python mcqs were optional 2 Coding
coding questions were to completed using 2 different languages out of c, c++,java
1)Intelligent substring(easy)
There are two types of characters in a particular language: special and normal.
A character is special if its value is 1 and normal if its value is 0. Given string s, return the
longest substring of s that contains at most k normal characters. Whether a character is
normal is determined by a 26-digit bit string named charValue. Each digit in
charValue corresponds to a lowercase letter in the English alphabet.
s = ‘abcde’
charValue = 10101111111111111111111111
The only normal characters in the language (according to charValue) are b and d. The string
s contains both of these characters. For k = 2, the longest substring of s that contains at most
k= 2 normal characters is 5 characters long, abcde, so the return value is 5. If k = 1 instead,
then the possible substrings are [‘b’, ‘d’, ‘ab’, ‘bc’, ‘cd’, ‘de’, ‘abc’, ‘cde’]. The longest substrings
are 3 characters long, which would mean a return value of 3.
2)Diamond mine(medium hard)
( Group discussion):(20-25 min)
Before group discussion there was a pre-placement talk.Please don’t skip this as information regarding EDG will be shared in this. Your understanding regarding the role will be checked in subsequent rounds.
Shortlisted candidates from round 1 were divided into groups of 6 each
The topic of gd was “Open source vs Licensed Software.Which do you choose and why?”
All the 6 candidates were first given the opportunity to express their opinion which was followed by general discussion. Finally everyone must give their final opinion based on their initial thoughts and
the discussion that followed.
(45 min)
Interviewer was quite friendly and made it very comfortable for me to voice out my thoughts. Introduction followed by questions to test one’s understanding of the role. I was told to ask doubts
regarding the role to get a deeper understanding about the company and its EDG program. This lasted for 15 min. She picked one of the projects mentioned in my resume and asked me to explain the reason behind
choosing it, was it an independent or group project and what technology did I use ..etc. The one she picked was a group project , so I was asked about my role in it.
What are the challenges you faced while working in a team? What did you do to overcome them?
What are your strengths and weaknesses and what makes them your strength or weakness?
What are your plans to improve your weakness?
How do you prioritise your tasks?
Where do you want to work(Hyderabad or Bangalore) and why?
Which team do you want to be part of and why?
Try to answer all the questions with your experiences as examples.Questions will be asked based on
your answers to previous questions.
(60 min)
First 20 min was about introduction, my experience of the managerial round, and more about EDG
and my queries regarding the same.
Followed by questions regarding my projects like what tech stack is used ..etc.
Did you work in a team? If yes, How did you deal with conflicts in a team ?
What would you do if your manager assigned you a complex task with an impossible deadline?
This question was followed by two more based on my answer.
Who chose the project for the team project? Was it you?
If yes, what made it better than everyone else’s?
If not, why did they reject yours and what was the reason behind choosing another?
Did you ever tutor and what is your opinion on it?
Did you ever take an initiative and what did you do and what was the result?
If there is a situation where you did most of the work, say 75-80%, but all the credit for success is
being given to your teammate, what will you do?
My answer was I will get more understanding of the product and get more exposure regarding tech stack and skills required to complete it. This resulted in another question.
Yes you would gain exposure, but will you not be frustrated that he is hogging all your hard earned credit and rewards?
My final answer seemed to please him and the remaining questions that followed were simple and the
tone of the conversion remained friendly after this.
Lastly, he asked if I had any questions for him
Firstly I was asked regarding my choice of languages from round 1(C and Java) and self introduction
I was given hacker rank credentials to login and was asked to share my screen. There were two
separate sections, one for coding, the other was general editor for text.
In this round I had two interviewers. They were asking me questions in alternating fashion.
What is malloc used for and how to write a small program using malloc?
What are the other ways for dynamic memory allocation?
How do you deallocate it?
Deallocation causes a dangling pointer problem, How will you solve that?
What are other scenarios where a dangling pointer problem can arise?
What is a wild pointer?
3-4 output based code snippets were given, I had to tell the output and reasoning behind it. They
were mostly pointer related questions
Their main concentration was on OOPS. Java questions were either output based code snippets or
OOPS design questions.
For each snippet there were 2-3 print statements. I had to explain reasoning behind each output
For each design question, I was asked regarding all the concepts I used in the solution and my reasoning behind choosing it.
Next question was a slight modification of the shortest path problem, I was asked to explain each line
in solution.
Java and c questions lasted for about 35 mins. Then there was an in depth discussion
regarding the projects that I mentioned in my resume.
Round 1:
Practice more leetcode problems. Most coding questions were from leetcode with slight
tweaks here and there. For mcqs, have a deeper understanding of pointers for c and oops for others.
Round 2:
Dont bluff if you don’t have any initial thoughts. Wait till the end of discussions to give your
final decision
After the initial phase, don’t sit idle , try to be involved in the discussion.
Round 3,4,5:
Tech,Managerial and Hr rounds can be conducted in any order. Be prepared to face any
All the three rounds ends with the interviewer asking regarding your questions for him/her. So
have your questions ready.
If you tell any wrong output, don’t worry. They will concentrate more on your reasoning.
Department : EEE
Intially written test will be conducted.
Then group discussion is held among the selected students. Technical, HR and managerial rounds are conducted for students who are shortlisted in group discussion.
Each round is an elimination round.
Group discussion topic: ‘Licensed vs Open Source Software’. ( 6 members in my group)
Technical interview:
What is convolution
The interviewer gave me two signals and asked me to perform convolution.
What are digital, discrete and continuous signals. Draw an example for each.
What is sampling?
What is aliasing?
What are synchronous and asynchronous circuits?
The interviewer drew a circuit and asked me whether it was synchronous or asynchronous
What are sequential and combinational circuits.
What is spectrum
Write a C program to take a string as input and print it as output
Explain functions of various string functions in C
Write a program to reverse a string
Write a program to find if a number is even or odd.
Can we apply even odd program to decimal numbers (like 16.0, 3.0) using float?
I couldn’t qualify the technical interview .
But my advice would be
Stay confident throughout the interview.
During the group discussion try to bring out points that are different from others and be active.
If you do not know the answer to any question, just say that you do not know and that you will try to learn about it . Don’t give vague answers.
All the best