IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE: Specialist Programmer and Digital Specialist Engineer

CTC: 8 LPA, 6.5 LPA

ELIGIBILITY: BE, BTech, ME, MTech, MCA, MSc (5 years integrated)
Computer Science Engineering
Information Science & Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Information Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Mathematics and Computing
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering


Selected Candidates


Department : ECE


I got placed in the role of Digital Specialist Engineer(DSE)
In the written test I solved 2 questions out of 3 ( For me 2 questions are based on arrays and 1 question is on queue).
The questions that I faced In my interview :
1. Tell me about yourself
2. About my projects
3. Why do you choose a software company instead of ECE ?
4. They asked me to two basic programs like fabonacci series and Armstrong number
5. Dbms questions
6. Oops concept


Department : ECE


Role- digital specialist engineer(6.25lpa)
1st round- online coding test
3 questions
1st question easy
2nd question medium
3rd question hard
I solved 1.5 questions
Interview – 3 coding questions
1.program to print Armstrong no in range from 1 to 1000
2.program to find given number Or string is palindrome or not number program
Some basics questions from dbms ,operating systems, computer networks
Practice more coding questions from geeksforgeeks and prepare other cs subjects you ace the interviews


Department : CSE


Round 1: Online Coding Round (hackwithinfy).
First round was on 08 August 2021, from 11:00 Am to 2:00 Pm. It consisted of three coding questions with difficulty level easy, medium, medium.
I cleared all test cases for two questions and for third one time was up before submitting.(Sorry, I didn’t remember questions.)

Round 2: Virtual Interview (Technical + HR).
My interview was scheduled on 9 Sept 2021, for the role of Specialist Programmer.
Time: 11:00 Am
Duration: 1 hour.
NOTE: My interview started on 11:15 am – 12:55pm. (Yes, Interview can go for more than 1 hour).
Interviewer: Tell Me About Yourself?
Interviewer: Checked Resume asked few questions about skills, project.
Interviewer: Share Screen and Open any editor of your choice and do following Code.

Question: Find K nearest elements of given element in array.
Example: Array A={1,5,30,12,8,32,40} , k= 3, element=31;
Output: 30,32,40 (these elements are nearest elements to 31, present in array);
Interviewer: Think of logic first take your time and then start coding. But total time is 30 min.
Answered: I did it with brute force way with time complexity O(n*k);

Interviewer: After checking some test cases moved to questions about Project.
Interviewer: Asked various questions from OS, OOPs, Networking, DBMs.
I didn’t answer many questions and many answers I answered wrong which he corrected. But our interview went smoothly.
Interviewer: Any questions for me?
Asked some basic questions like About work life balance. Handling of covid situations.
Verdict: Selected for role of Digital Specialist Engineer.


Department : CSE


Round 1: Technical MCQ on the chosen programming language (python or java)

Round 2: Coding(3 questions)

Round 3: Interview 

What is OOPs? Explain the importance of OOPs.

Tell me about Data Structures.

Explain Bubble Sort.

What is Normalisation?

Tell me about Authentication and Authorisation.

Explain Encryption. Why is Encryption necessary?

Explain total Software Development Cycle.

Abbreviation of ACID (database) and explain about it.

Do you anything about Milk Protocol? If yes explain.

Explain RSA algorithm.

After all technical questions they asked some Project related questions.

After that some general questions like

What is your goal?

What’s your dream company and Why?

Dream company vs Infosys.