IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE :  Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

CTC :  22 LPA

ELIGIBILITY : Students who are pursuing their B.E/B.Tech

  • A CGPA of 7.0 for students from Computer Science/Engineering background.
  • A CGPA of 8.0 for students from other disciplines.
  • Exceptional knowledge of (Python/Java/Go/C/Shell) Linux systems, Internals, and Strong Communicational Skills.   


Selected candidates


Department :CSE


Arcesium summer internship interview experience (offer)

Online Assesment:
There were 30 mcqs around Aptitude, Operating System, C++ and Java code snippets, also they were 2 coding questions being asked
1. [Akbar’s Army]
2. [Pirate Attack]
Note: This round carries negative marking, so be cautious about it.

16 candidates got Shortlisted for Technical rounds.

Technical Round – 1:
Self introduction

Coding Question:
[LRU Cache]

Some questions related to resume.
Questions on DNS, DHCP.
Briefed me about the next rounds.
Basically it was a resume screening round.

8 candidates got shortlisted for next Technical round.
PS : Be well prepared with your resume.

Technical Round – 2:
Self introduction

Object Oriented programming in Python
Private and Protected variables in Python
name mangling in Python, getter, setter methods

Computer Networks:
Questions on DNS
Questions on DHCP
Routing and Ip address
Private Ip address and Public Ip address
Network Adress Translation and NAT table contents
Classfull adressing and their ranges

Sql queries
Primary key, Candidate Key, Forgien Key
Collections and documents in Mongodb
Asked the reasons for using Mongodb in my project and the setup process

What’s Kernel and os
Functions of os
Process vs Thread
Process states
Internal and External fragmentation
Why Virtual memory
Page replacement algorithms

Computer Organization:
Memory hierarchy
What’s Cache and How cache is useful
What are registers and thier function
Name few registers in cpu
What’s ALU and its function

Questions related to resume projects were being asked.

4 candidates got shortlisted for next round.

Technical Round – 3:
Self Introduction
Asked me about my internship project and the challanges I faced
Design a Traffic Light system
Design a Movie Recommendation system
Message Queues, Paas, Iaas, Heroku Deployment related questions
Linux related questions:
-ls -l
-nslookup command
-User and group permissions
-chmod command

Questions related to resume projects were being asked.

Finally 3 candidates got offer.



Department :CSE

Online Assessment :
There were 30 mcqs around Aptitude, Operating System, C++ and Java code snippets, also they were 2 coding questions being asked
1. [Akbar’s Army]
2. Pirate Attack (Similar pattern to Max Subset Sum No. Adjacent)
Note: This round carries negative marking, so be cautious about it.
Shortlisted for Technical rounds
Technical Round – 1:
Coding Question:
[Two Sum]
Follow up :
[Two Sum II]
Some questions related to resume were also asked. Differences between Sql & NoSql databases and where NoSql is used.
Synchronizations and Locking mechanisms in databases were also asked.
Shortlisted for next Technical round.
PS : Be well prepared with your resume.
Technical Round – 2:
A system design question was asked, question was framed as follows:
Given online data, which consists of categorical values (0 – Low traffic, 1 – Heavy Traffic) and its corresponding cluster id. Requirement was to get top areas within city having heavy traffic.
Solution : Make use of Max Heap.
Databases questions were asked:
1. ACID properties
2. How to implement Atomicity and Consistency
3. Normalisation

4. Name few databases which uses BTree Indexes as its indexing mechanisms.
Operating System questions were asked:
1. Name few scheduling algorithms.
2. Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms.
3. Which scheduling algorithm is used in Real Time.
4. Deadlock and its necessary conditions
5. Deadlock prevention vs Deadlock avoidance
6.Bankers algorithm
Questions related to resume were being asked.
Shortlisted for next round.
Technical Round – 3
1. Directly asked a [puzzle]
2. [Best Time to buy and sell share](