IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE : Advanced Associate Software Engineer, Associate Software Engineer

CTC : 6.5 LPA, 4.5 LPA



Selected Candidates


Department: EEE


Written Test:
Stage 1:
This round had different sections such as English ability, critical reasoning and problem solving, abstract reasoning, questions related to applications of MS Office, and pseudocodes.
Totally there are 90 questions which should be answered within 90 minutes.
Stage 2:
We have to stay nearly for 10 minutes on the same assessment platform. If you are qualified for next round u will get coding round. Luckily, I cleared my round 1 and moved further.
There are two coding questions to be solved in 45 minutes. For first question I had passed all the test cases. Second Only half of them were passed. Coding round is not an elimination round.
Stage 3:
This is Communication test. Here our speaking and listening skills are tested. Even this round is also not an elimination round. This round will be used as a reference in the Interview.

My interview began at 5. 00P.M. It went for more than 15 minutes. Firstly, the interviewer introduced himself and he asked me for my resume, and told me to introduce myself.
1.Why did you choose EEE?
2.Why you want to do a software job? What inspired you to choose this field?
3.Few questions related to workshops I have attended like what I had learnt from it.
4.Questions related to the courses I have done in Udemy and Coursera. (As I had mentioned MATLAB from Coursera and Python from Udemy)
5.Explain about your internship (Electric vehicle design) …what you have learned from it.
Did u do it practically and few questions related to EV design?
6.Tell me about your projects?
7.Keeping aside your individual projects did you do any group project?
8.As I told yes to the previous question the interviewer asked to tell me more about my project.
9.How many people are with you in this project? What is the purpose of the project?
10.Do you have a mentor?
11Did you struck anywhere in the project?
12.How did u overcome that problem (As I told yes, we faced few problems with the code to his previous question)

13.Final conclusion about our project and future scope of the project?

14.How many programming languages do you know and what are they?
15.Rate yourself in Programming?
16.Extracurricular activities.
17.What are the events I had organised in YOUVA and IEEE (As I had mentioned them in extracurricular activities)
18.Finally Why do you want to join Accenture?
Before leaving, he asked me any questions if I want to ask (So I asked him just 2 to 3 questions and left from the meeting)

After 20days from the day of interview I got a mail from Accenture that I got selected for

Associate Software Engineer Role.




My experience with Accenture is good
It is same as the mock test they conducted so I suggest to write the mock test to get the experience of what they are asking.
This round is based on mcqs only.
It consists of these sections,verbal ability,numeral ability, Quantitive aptitude, reasoning and networking.This test has 90 questions and time limits 90 minutes.
After writing this test within two minutes of time we will get the results that we have passed this test or not.Then if we qualified at that instance only we are requested to write the second round.
Second round:
This round consists of 2 coding questions and time limit is 45 minutes, first is moderate level and second one is but difficult.I able to code the first coding question in python language.
So as my first coding question got executed am selected for the next round.I suggest you better code any one of the questions to get placed in Accenture.
After one day we will get mail to complete the communication assessment within the time limit they specified
Third round:
This round is about communication assessment.This round is quite easy which is a oral test conducted through English in which we have to respond to tests according to the audio that will be playing.This test has multiple parts like reading,repeat the sentence they given,responding to
the questions they asked, sentence builds,story telling,open question, conversation,passage comprehension.
After two days our interview will be scheduled according to time slot we have selected.
Round 4:
This is the final round which is TR+HR interview round which was conducted by single interviewer. These were the questions asked
a)Tell me about yourself.
b) Tell me about your project.
c) What is your role in the project.
d)what are the difficulties faced during your project.
e)Tell me about your biggest failure in life.
f)What are the subjects you don’t like in EEE and how did you overcome it.
g)what is your biggest achievement in your life.
h) tell me about the compliment that you received from any professor.
I)What are the certifications done by you ?as I mentioned it in my resume.


Department: CIVIL


I am Sai Shivani Sirigiri from the Civil engineering department.
I gave my interview for Associate Software Engineer role in Accenture in September of 2021.
There was a written test prior to the interview then eligible applicants were shortlisted for the interview. The interview was solely an HR round. Therefore there were no technical questions asked during the interview. The questions asked are as follows:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Question about my internship.
3. Three takeaways from my internship.
4. Challenges we face when we work in a team. I was asked if I faced any such problem and how I tried to overcome it.
5. Why Accenture?
The whole interview went well. The interviewer was friendly and nice throughout the interview. The questions asked weren’t really hard to answer but should be answered properly anyways. That would be all about my interview for Accenture.


Department: MECH


Accenture had just one interview round, which was an HR one.

  1. Tell me about yourself.

A few follow up questions from my introduction regarding some of the courses I’ve taken.

  1. What other languages would you want to learn?
  2. Why did you choose mechanical?
  3. Why do you want to shift domains despite having a good score?
  4. Questions about mini project.
  5. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced while working on your project, and how did you overcome them?
  6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  7. A hypothetical situation where I was given a tough job and an easy job, which one would you do first? How will you manage your time? How will you do it of you’re allowed to take help from a colleague?
  8. How did you spend time during lockdown?
  9. Favourite subject, least favourite subject, how would your approach to leaning them be?
  10. Do you have any questions for me?

(Overall, I’d say it went well. The interviewer was kind and friendly.)