IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE :Graduate Engineer Trainee

CTC : 4.6 LPA



Selected Candidates

Rohith Tirumalasetti

Department:  MECH

Aptitude and English,pretty basic.

Group discussion(topic was “do we need entrepreneurs more or managers”)every discussion was keenly observed by the panel .

Consists of a 4 member panel and questions were mainly on automobiles and generators as those are their prime selling products.”

“HR interview:
Only question was if I’m ready to relocate.”

Technical knowledge on automobiles and generators is necessary but mostly on automobiles and this company does not have a bond so they’re making sure you don’t have other plans(on the bright side they send two or three students to IIT Madras every year for technical MBA and it’s fully covered by the company so don’t go on the low package as it comes with extra pluses like this.

Battu Lahari

Department:  MECH

Aptitude only


Group discusn


Prepare well for aptitude and speak something in gd. Be confident in interview

K.Siddartha Reddy

Department:  MECH

“aptitude test
It was conducted offline which covered basic aptitude like
1)Quantitative ability
2)Verbal ability
3)Logical Reasoning
The test comprises of 50 questions to be solved in 60 minutes.”

“Group Discussion
Topic : do we need more entrepreneurs or managers.”

“Personal Interview
After Test and Group Discussion the next round was personal Interview,after handing over the resume to the panel, the interview started with the very basic question,tell me about yourself,
Then the panel asked about my projects present in resume(make sure you know everything about projects mentioned in resume),then they asked me about vehicle weight management as i mentioned that I participated in sae tier event,after that I was asked about my internship in south central railway,Lallaguda workshop. then they asked some technical questions like
1)what is an engine
2) difference between ic and ec engine
3) difference between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine
4)what are the essential parts in ic engine
5) what is a generator
6) working and main parts of generator
7) why diesel is used in most generators
(Same questions for Motors)
8) Why rear wheels of tractor has larger diameter
Then the panel asked the department preference and willing to travel to any location,then they asked that what inspired you for this job role and why should we choose you.”