IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE: Engineering Trainees



All Circuit , Software and Mechanical , i.e.

i. ECE/EEE/EIE/Telecommunication/Instrumentation/Mechatronic s/Mechanical/Computer Science/IT/Chemical and similar branches

ii. Except Civil , Metallurgy, Mining, Marine , Biotech and other Allied branches

  1. Graduation scores basis the latest available marks should be an aggregate of 60% or 6.75 CGPA

  2. No backlogs at the time of application. 
  3. Selected candidates to ensure to pass their final year examination in the first attempt.


Selected Candidates


Department: EEE

My Job Interview experience at L&T company was good.

Round 1

-In this round they conducted a written test and they shortlisted few students.

– The questions were mainly based on Power systems Power electronics and Machines.

personal interview

1) After written test they conducted a personal interview.

2) In interview first they asked about my extracurricular activities and they asked are you willing to relocate if needed.

3) Later they asked questions regarding subjects like Power systems and Machines but they concentrated more on Power system Protection as I belong to electrical background.

3) After completion of core questions, they gave me a topic Artificial Intelligence and asked its advantages and disadvantages.

4) I think I did well in general questions which were asked before core questions and I was bit confused in core questions but they helped me and they were cooperative so it went well.

5) Overall, my Interview experience was good.


Department: MECHANICAL

My LnT interview experience,

1. Tell us about yourself-
I introduced myself to them, told them about my schooling (not just academics, I also included my responsibilities- being a part of the student council, head girl).

Then on, I continued with intermediate’s score, and next up, I spoke about my Engineering.
First, I told them about all the clubs that I’m part of, again, the responsibilities I held, then my academic performance, and finally explained about every project and achievement briefly.
2. They first asked questions related to my project, as to what my role was and how I contributed. The focus was majorly on EFFICYCLE, a National level competition organized by SAE NIS (SAE India, Northern Section).
3. The first technical question they asked, was about the differential, how it works, why do we use it? Do we use it in all kinds of vehicles? Do we use it in a front wheel drive, rear wheel drive or an all wheel drive vehicle? What kind of gears are present in a differential? How are they arranged? What is the angle of a bevel gear?
I was able to answer all the above questions well and the panel seemed satisfied.
The next question was about Bernoulli’s principle, it’s definition and applications. Then, they touched upon disc and drum brakes, which I did not answer in much detail.
4. The final question was a HR one, where the panelist questioned, how can one work well under pressure? (I included this point in my resume)
Here, I explained about one of the projects I worked on, how we diligently managed time and resources and how we could come up with a viable solution.


Department: EEE

My interview started at 7.10 PM and it lasted for 45 minutes. There were three members in the panel and one of them told me about the interview procedure. Firstly they would ask me technical questions and the next one HR questions and the other round is like JAM. Next, he told me to introduce myself.

1.What is your favourite subject other than Electrical machines?

(As everyone since morning chooses electrical machines as their fav sub the interviewer asked me why everyone is opting machines? I stated reasons genuinely and told machines is my fav sub. Might be he liked my answer and told me you are straightforward) 

2.What is your favourite part in machines?

3.Explain to me about transformers? (As I said Transformers is my fav machine)

4.What is the principle of a transformer?

5.Working of a Transformer?

6.Parts of the transformer and where they are located and why they are used?

7.How secondary current is produced and explain how the power is transferred from primary winding to secondary winding?

8.At what frequency the power is transferred and what is that power?

9.What is the Buchholz relay and its purpose?

10.Types of transformers?

11.Losses in transformers?

12.How can you minimize those losses?

13.Open circuit and short circuit test?

14.One numerical to find the number of the number of turns in secondary winding and emf produced.

14.What is grounding?

15.Why are insulators used in transmission lines?

16.Working of Circuit breakers?

17.Why earth wire is used?

18.What are the materials used in transmission line protection?

19.What is resistance and conductance?

20.Why current chooses the low resistance path?

21.Where will the flow of current be more either at wet place or at dry place?

22.Which books have you referred to for every subject?

23.Tell me about your internship?

24.Explain to me in detail how you had designed an Electric vehicle in MATLAB SIMULINK?

25.What are the vehicle specifications?

26.Explain Battery management system?

27.Draw the block diagram of Battery management system and explain the purpose of blocks which 

Are they used in it?

28.Which motor and inverter you have used and why did you choose only those?

29.Do you have any certifications?

30.Are you willing to relocate?

31.Education system in India. Tell your opinion for a minute.

32.What will you do to educate everyone in the country? Is it possible? If yes, how?

33.How could you provide employment to everyone if there is scarcity of jobs in the country?

34.If everyone is educated then do you think people will opt low grade employment works such as 

Sweeping, cleaning etc?

35.Do you think people choose agriculture as their profession if they are well educated?

36.Do you want to pursue higher studies?

37.Job after graduation or Job after post-graduation what do you suggest and why?

38.L&T provides higher studies (MBA and MTECH) in specific colleges. Are you aware of it?

39.If you are given a chance then do you pursue higher studies?

40.Few scenario-based questions and again they asked me whether I’m willing to relocate?

41.Extracurricalr activities (I talked about YOUVA and IEEE and Techsonance events which we had 

Organised in detailed)

42.Any Questions?

After a week we got results and I was selected for the Graduate Engineering Trainee (GET) role.


Department: MECHANICAL

1)Briefly introduce yourself.
2)Brief on what you know on DRDO.
3)Difference between missile and rocket
4)Have you seen launching of multibarrier rocket?
5)Name some missiles
6)What is Bramhos .How is it different from others?
7)What type of honing system does bramhos use?
8)Any area where you did a project..(clg and what u did)
9)Name the component gases of LPG cylinder.
10)Name a few hydrocarbon gases.
11)What is petrol?
12)Is petrol octane or more than octane?Number in octane.
13)What happens if octane number is good?
14)What is knocking?(related to ic engines)
15)What was the reason to take mechanical?
16)If incase u r selected in L&T,what work do you think they’ll put u in?
17)Do uk abt vajra tank..?
18)What have you carried out in aerodynamics?


Department: EEE

My experience with L&T is very nice, it being a core company. I was quite interested in that job.

Written test:

For the written test we had three sections: aptitude, English, and technical subjects. It is of moderate difficulty, but time management is a key aspect in the exam.


The interviewer first asked my favourite subject and most of the questions are related to that subject only and they also asked about my projects and about team management activities


Department: EEE

I have got selected for the role of Graduate Engineer Trainee at L&T. 

I am here to share my interview experience at L&T.

 After clearing the L&T written test, there was a preplacement talk. I took note of few points from the talk because they might help me to query them during the interview. Nearly after a week there was the interview. I sat nervous waiting in the lobby for my turn. They had explained how the interview would be happening.

 In the hr round, I could answer only few but the technical round went well. As I have mentioned regarding 6 months industrial training in my resume, all the questions were related to my training at substation. I had explained briefly and answered to their questions. In the last session i.e., JAM, the topic which they gave was unfamiliar to me. I could speak something because one of the interviewers helped me in understanding the topic. 

Finally, I suggest my juniors to go through everything in their resume, know little about the company before attending the interview.


Department: MECHANICAL

My L n T Interview experience.

(both TR and HR were conducted in one round )

(Tell me about yourself)

They will pull out our resume at the time of interview and asks most of the questions from our resume itself.


*Tell me briefly about your projects and your contribution in that projects.

*Tell me about your mini project.

(As our mini project topic was Aqua Silencer ,some questions were asked from that topic )

*What is Aqua silencer?

*Where it is used? Does it has any disadvantages and what about its efficiency? Construction details of Aqua silencer?

(As I have done 2 projects (SAE Efficycle ,SAE Aero Design Challenge) questions were asked from that projects )

*What is ADC, What you will do in ADC?

*What is UAV, What is fixed wing UAV? What are other types of wings?

*What is an aerofoil?

*What is the function of an aerofoil?

*What is Bernoulli’s principle, explain with an example?

*Draw the 2D picture of a wing?

*What is an impeller? work of an impeller? where we see the impellers in flight ?

*Draw the impeller ?

*What are Turbo machines ?Are Turbo machines used in aircrafts ?

*Why helicopter has two propellers?

*What is an Turbine? Types of Turbines ?

*How electricity is produced using Turbines ?Explain the mechanism?

* What is efficycle ? Your contribution in this project?

* What were the factors considered to design a suspension What happens if there is no suspension ?

* Does less weight vehicles like efficycle requires suspension ?

*What will be the future of electrical vehicles?

* What is an IC engine? Processes in IC engine ?

*Except petrol and diesel what are the other types of fuels can be used in IC engines ?And what will be the efficiency ?

*What will be the future of IC engines ?
* Can you disassemble and assemble IC engine ?

*HR Questions

Why Ln T?

What do you know about LnT? Works of LnT?

Why should we hire you ?

How you are different from others ?

Why you have chosen your career in this field ,why not other fields ?

Willing to relocate ?

What you have learnt from projects apart from technical things ?


Department: EEE

There were both aptitude and technical questions. The aptitude questions were of moderate difficulty level . But time should be managed properly. So practice such that you should be able to solve the problems quickly.
Most part of the technical questions were from machines and power systems.
They required good knowledge on concepts .

HR Questions:
Introduce yourself
What are your strengths and weaknesses
What is your opinion on importing goods?
Do you think importing from enemy nations like China is correct?
They gave me a topic –AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan & asked me to speak about it for a minute ( they gave me some time to prepare before speaking )

TECHNICAL questions
What is a Transformer
Where are transformers installed
What are step down and step up transformers and where are they installed.
Why is voltage stepped up in transmission lines.
If voltage is stepped up , what happens to current?
In current transformers, step up implies what?
What are the losses that occur in a transformer?
Which losses occur when load is connected and when load is not connected respectively?

What is superposition theorem?