IEEE Student Branch OUCE



ROLE: Associate in Engineering Development 


ELIGIBILITY: BE&ME (Circuit Branches)


Selected candidates


Department : ECE

It was a written test which consisted of questions belonging to core as well as coding. It was conducted on Hacker rank platform and was an elimination round.
• Questions related to core which were mostly focused on controls, signals and embedded systems and few from Computer networks
• Followed by these were coding mcqs which had to be attempted in any one language out of C, C++ and Java.
• Then there were two coding questions which could be written in either C++, C or java.
I wrote one in c++ and the other in c
As we were asked to solve these 2 in 2 different languages
Final section consisted of 5 Matlab mcqs. This test can be qualified with fine knowledge on core subjects and basic programming.
After the online test, the list of the qualified people was given in few days.

All the next rounds were conducted in a single day which was after 2 days after the announcement of the result of the first round.


We were divided into groups of 5-6 people
• The topic we was given was Skills required to enter corporate world and what skills does EDG program provide
Its very important to carefully listen to the pre-placement talk as there would be atleast one question asked from it (EDG program) in all the remaining rounds.
• It was also an elimination round.
One can qualify this round with good communication skills and presence of mind.
Next rounds were MANAGERIAL ,HR Interviews and TECHNICAL. These can be taken in any order. Each stage is an elimination round.

(40 mins)
The interviewer introduced herself and then asked me to introduce myself
followed by few questions about my projects and extra curricular activities.
She picked one of the projects mentioned in my resume and asked me to explain the reason behind choosing it.
What are the challenges you faced while working in the team?
How do you resolve if there’s any conflict with any of your team members. Share any such real life experience.
How do you prioritise your tasks?
what are your weaknesses?
Did you improve your weakness?
A certain task you should have done before but you didnt unless someone acknowledged the same and you get results , how do you see such circumstances in your life?

Mention a period in your life when you observed an imbalance between your academics and extracurricular activities.
Why are you interested in this job.
Which domain you are interested in and why.?
Any location preference ?
I was told to ask any 3 questions to the interviewer
This round mainly focuses on your ability to deal any given situation and also how well are you able to relate different scenarios in your life .

Tell me about yourself.
Questions were asked on the EDG program
What does mathworks work on ,how different is it from other companies ?
Any Idea about the areas which mathworks has worked by contributing to the society
share your thoughts on the domains in MathWorks
Which domain are you interested in and why?
Your Job Location preference
I choose Banglore ,so she asked me the reason choosing banglore despite staying in Hyderabad for the past 7-8 years
why do you want to join mathworks?
Why did you take ECE?
Why did you learn coding ?
How did you manage your academics along with your extracurricular activities.
She then again asked me to reconfirm my job location preference
I still went on with Banglore stating my reasons .
Any vision for higher studies ?

Tell me about yourself
Asked me to explain my projects briefly.
The interviewer initially picked one of my projects and went in depth asking a lot of questions regarding the project .
She next moved on to the next project and similary asked many questions pertaining to this project as well
She then asked the need of my 3rd project in real life and I explained it ,she seemed satisfied

The interviewer asked me to share my ideas for my major project which I would be doing in my next semester
This discussion went on for 20mins
Later the interviewer started to ask questions on Control systems,signals and systems
1. What is convolution , how do you convolute 2 signals
2. Applications of convolution in real life
3. Auto correlation use in signals and also in real life
4.explain the phenomenon behind the noise produced when a microphone is brought near the speaker to which it is connected
I explained it using feedback
5. She asked to give practical examples of positive,negative feedback
6.How will you define stability.

7. what is the use of pid controller ,how did you use it in your project
8. Where do we use p controllers
9. what are the disadvantages of pd controllers
10. I was asked to explain all the time domain specifications and its practical significance
11.Gain margin ,phase margin
12. What all did you explore in Simulink
13. As the interviewer was from the deep learning domain she asked me to explain image processing using AI &ML
I shared whatever basic knowledge i had regarding AI & ML ,she was satisfied .

1. what is a null pointer
2. use of null pointer in any data structure
3. Differences between malloc,calloc
4. what is an inline-keyword
5. Types of graphs
6. Use of constructors
I was shared a Hackerank link
• They gave me a code and told me to correct it.
• Another code was given and I was asked to find the output
Later was given 2 coding questions and was told to code in my own preferred language
I selected C++
Any queries for the interviewer


1. Manage your time properly in round -1
2. Be thorough with whatever you have written in your resume
3. Make sure you have knowledge about all the projects which you have mentioned
4. Prepare few questions prior to the interview , to ask them at the end
5. Have enough basic knowledge about the core subjects(CONTROL SYSTEMS AND SIGNALS ) as they will check your practical knowledge than the theoritical aspect in those subjects
6. For questions on programming , have good knowledge on oops , basic data structures and practice DSA questions to solve the Hackerank questions asked in the technical round
7. Be Confident !


Department : CSE

The first round was conducted on 9th August. The test was conducted online on the hacker rank platform. It had 3 sections
Section 1:
1) Mathematics (probability, aptitude)
2) programming concepts (time complexity, finding errors in code, bitwise operators, DSA concepts, Row major order)

Section 2:
1) C (pointer arithmetic, pointer concepts, structures, output of code snippets, arrays, preprocessor)
2) C++ (C++ oops, pointers, strings, STL, operator overloading)
3) Java (Java oops, environment variables, interfaces, abstract class, collection, code snippet outputs, exception handling, exception and collection classes )

Section 3:-

Coding Challenge, we had to solve 2 questions
The first question:- was to find the number of distinct pairs in an array that sum to the target value. It was an easy question, it is a simple extension of the two sum problem all we have to do is keep doing the two sum and make sure no duplicates are printed using a set or other data structure

Second Question:- was to find the number of beautiful arrangements
A beautiful arrangement is the permutations of ‘N’ integers when either of the following statements is true :

1) permutation at arr[i] is divisible by ‘i’
2) ‘I’ is divisible by permutation at arr[i]where ‘i’ refers to a numeric index

This is a medium-level question, it uses the idea of backtracking to find the answer
Hope this link helps

Section 4:- (Bonus Section)
When registering for the exam we were asked to choose either python or Matlab for this section.
This is an optional section.
I chose python. The questions were on the basics of python oops etc.

Note:- 2 problems in section 3 had to be done in two different languages if one is in c++ other should be in java. I did not see this point and attempted both in c++, so please read the instructions properly.

Group Discussion (20-25 mins):-
Around 15 people were shortlisted. Then they divided into groups of 4-5 people and GD was conducted. The topic was about What are the essential skills to survive in a company. First, we were given 2 mins to speak We had to finish our Introduction and tell some skills that we think are necessary.
Then we were given 10 mins to discuss among ourselves which all skills are important and why are they important and what skills will let us shine in the Engineering development group in MATLAB.

HR Interview:-
Unlike normal interview flow (technical round -> HR) Mathworks had 3 rounds
HR round
TR round
Manager round
and these rounds could be conducted in any order.
My first round was the HR round:-
After joining the meet. HR quickly introduced herself and also asked me to introduce myself. I messed up my introduction but I quickly reorganized myself. After this she was going through my resume She asked me about my group project which was about automating attendance using college id cards (Python + express MongoDB backend), She asked me about how did we get this idea, How did we form the group,
How did we solve the problems as a group, how did you enhance your skills during this project, and some stuff on how to lead a group, etc. In the end, I asked her if I was nervous during the interview. She replied that I was nervous at the start but got better by the end and she was pretty satisfied with my answers.

TR interview (technical round):-
there were 2 interviewers in this round. Both of them first introduced themselves, they told me about their work experience and other topics to make me a little comfortable. Then they asked me to introduce myself, and this time my introduction was good. Then they quickly started the interview. The first question was about my preferred computer language and why was it my preference. After I explained why c++ is my preference. Then they asked me about the machine learning project that I mentioned in my resume.

after that as a warmup a basic coding question was given
it was to find the first duplicate character in the string
I straight away coded the most optimum solution both in terms of space and time. He was pretty impressed since I used the constraints in the problem to my advantage to optimize the space.

the second coding question was
given a value of k and an array, we have to find the minimum length subarray that has k distinct elements
This is a medium-level problem. I first told him about the brute force solution where we find each subarray and see if it has k distinct elements, which is an O(n cube) solution.
Now from this solution, we have to reduce the repeating work. That was when I got the idea of the sliding window. I told him the sliding window would work he was happy with that one so I wrote the code 2 test cases failed out of 15. The second interviewer who was watching pointed out the mistake. Then I came up with another approach They gave me a hackerrank whiteboard to explain and do a dry run of the algorithm that I came up with, and they were satisfied with that one.

Then they asked me about c++ oops concepts, polymorphism, inline functions, sending a variable number of arguments to a function, friend functions, etc.
They asked me what are the differences in oops concepts between c++ and java

Manager Round:-
First, the manager introduced himself, He was the same person who explained to us about the engineering development group in the preplacement talk. I introduced myself then he started asking me questions about how would I work in a team. If someone is not working in a team how will you motivate him to make him work? How will I face aggressive people? Then he asked me about my projects, and how I managed to do them. How do I manage my time and other stuff? The major thing that he was trying to evaluate was how would I manage my time and solve the problems efficiently.

1] Try to do one group project. This will show a good impact in HR rounds
2] Sound confident and natural.
3] Learn OOPs concepts
4] prepare a good introduction.