Why join IEEE?
Practical Knowledge
IEEE is a platform where you can perform many activities and experiments that help you gain skills on the subject practically. This helps you understand the concepts very easily and makes you rich in knowledge that is required to achive your goals.
Technically Updated
Be aware of the new and changing technologies by getting access to the recent journals, publications and conferences. This hepls to build your career in the field of your intrest. Keep your career moving in the right direction with IEEE career benefits and resources.
Knowledge from Professionals
With other IEEE members who share similar interests, you can build a network revolving around your profession, industry or projects. You can also chance to collaborate with the experts who can guide you.
Make your team
IEEE is a place where you can form a team with people of same ideology. With whom you can share your thoughts and can compete the world to gain success. This helps you develop skills that are required when you work in a group.
Events and Activities
IEEE members can access information on local events, activities and mentorship opportunities by signing into IEEE Collabratec®, the members’ personalized gateway to IEEE membership. Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world
Resources and Discounts
Member discounts: IEEE Member Discounts offer substantial cost savings on a variety of products and services as a benefit of IEEE membership. These include IEEE books and eBooks, journals and articles, conferences and proceedings, standards, society memberships etc..