- TDP Sr Assoc ( Data Analyst)
- TDP Sr Assoc ( Data Scientist)
- TDP Sr Assoc ( Full Stack Engineer)
- TDP Sr Assoc ( Research and Innovation)
CTC: 11.59 LPA
- B.Tech ( CS,IT,ECE,EE,S/W Engg, Maths and Computation) , MCA
- 7+ CGPA , No Active Backlogs
Selected Candidates
Department: CSE
To start off, interviews are probably one of the things that every student fears the most, I was no different. Although, it is in this process that I learnt quite a bit. The importance of believing in yourself, channeling your passion and understanding that you’re not searching for any random job but the one
that’s your best fit.
Interviewing with Optum was a really nice experience. The interview started off with a ln ice-breaker
and an introduction about myself, hobbies and goals. Post that, it moved on to the technical aspects
of the role .
It started off well, but I was unable to answer a few questions. It was at that point, I took a breath and
told myself to relax and focus. This time, I was able to answer all of the questions and it went pretty smooth.
I’d like to suggest one thing. It is very important to ask the interviewer a question at the end of the interview. It shows them that you are curious and are interested in learning more.
Department: CSE
Round 1 : Coding (1 qn) , Aptitude and CS basics
Round 2 : Techincal Interview
They’ve asked about OOPs , DBMS , About Pointers in C , (Coding) Program which prints Prime Numbers within the given range.
Mostly questions were based on Resume , also asked about Projects.
Be confident while answering .
Round 3 : HR
It lasted around 2 mins about Self-Introduction and Family Background ,and asked Why I want to join their Company ?
Thats it.
Department: CSE
Round 1(Written Test):
1 program, aptitude and technical questions.
Round 2(Technical round):
1)Tell me about yourself
2)Why did you choose CSE?
3)Explain your projects.
4)SQL Query: An employee table and a salary table are given. Employee table contains id of employee and name of employee. Salary table contains id of employee, name of the month, year and salary. Print salary of the employee for a given year along with the name.
5)Difference between drop, delete, truncate.
6)Write a program to add countries and capitals in a HashMap and after addition, retrieve elements from the HashMap and put the capitals in a linked list.
7)What are the different types of iterators in Java?
8) Tell me about the latest technologies you are aware of.
9)What is a cloud?
10)Advantages and disadvantages of cloud.
11)Different scenarios were given and I was asked to choose between cloud and traditional computing.
12)What do you know about Optum?
13) What is UHG?
14) Do you have any questions for me?
Round 3 (HR round):
1)Why Optum?
2)Location preference.
Department: CSE
Optum visited our campus for both internship and full time offer in september 2021.All the rounds were conducted online
Eligibility Criteria:
7+ CGPA ,No active backlogs
Round 1(Online Assessment):
Time:90 mins
Total :51 questions(There are no time constraints for individual sections,you can jump between sections )
It was conducted on “mettl”.It has one coding question of medium level difficulty and rest of them were MCQs covering aptitude,DSA,DBMS,statistics,diagrammatic reasoning etc, these mcqs were easy to medium level.
23 members were shortlisted for the interviews
Round 2(Technical +managerial):
This round was conducted on Microsoft Teams.Asusual it started with self introduction, then he started asking some behavioral questions like a situation that frustrated you and how did you deal with it.
Then he moved on to subjective part, some questions on linux , its advantages over windows and project based questions were asked.
After that he asked me if I have any questions,the interview was supposed to be 1 hr long ,but the interviewer wrapped up in 35 mins..so I was worried and requested him to ask more questions then he just smiled and closed the session.
Round 3(HR):
It was also conducted on Microsoft teams. This round was just a formality, all the students shortlisted for HR were selected.The HR asked questions like
Why did you choose optum
How was your previous interview
Location preference
Department: CSE
ROUND 1: Technical Round
1.Self introduction
2.Brief details about the projects.
3. Some Questions related to my projects.
4. Why did you use MySQL database? why not other database.
5. Have you done any project in C,C++ language?
6.Do you have knowledge of NoSQL database?
7. In what type of application we need NoSQL database.
8. Difference between SQL and NoSQL database.
9. Oops concepts With example.
10.Questions regarding Web development course that I have done and about the projects in that course.
11. Have you done any project as a part of team and what is your role.
(More questions were related to the projects)
ROUND 2: HR round
1.Why do you want to join Optum
2. About family background
3.What is your preferred job location