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Robotics Club Session-6 “Interfacing”

This was the sixth session of the Robotics Club held on 29th August 2019. It was hosted by the members of IEEE OUCE Student Branch and the speakers were K. Abhinav Venkat and B. Rakshith.

The session aimed at explaining in detail 5 commonly used UIs; a 16×2 LCD screen, a 0.96 OLED screen, a 7-segment display, a capacitive touch sensor and a 16 capacitive touch module. For each component, first the theory and connections were explained by Abhinav to the attendees. This included information about their internal working, pin diagram and applications. This was followed by the testing of code of the components, explained by Rakshith. The attendees were divided into groups of 5 and the code was sent them. They were given the components one by one and had to test the code with it. Then, a Q&A was held for attendees to clarify any doubts they had regarding the any of the topics they had learned during the day.

The session concluded with the hosts informing the RC members about the two upcoming Robotics competitions, one in IIT Bombay & the other in SNIST. All details about the two events were shared and the hosts urged the members to participate in these as it would be learning experience for them.