“DIALECTIC” one-day debate competition

“DIALECTIC” one-day debate competition

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited conducted DIALECTIC, an inter-college one day debate competition in collaboration with Electrical Engineering Department, University College of Engineering, Osmania University and IEEE OUCE PES Student Chapter on 25th October, 2019 in the main building of UCE, OU. The faculty coordinator for the event was Mrs. E. Sreeshobha, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, UCE(A), OU and the student coordinator was Mr. B. Rakshith, Chair, IEEE OUCE Student Branch.

Students from every various engineering colleges were invited. There were total of 124 online registrations. Online registrations were closed at 8.00 p.m. before night i.e. on 24th October, 2019. There was availability of spot registrations until 2.30 p.m. on the event day. A total of 84 members attended the event.

The event started at 2.30 p.m. by the faculty coordinator by welcoming the chief guests of the event Mr. Avinash M Pavagi, Head of SRI, Chief General Manager and Mr. V.J. Joseph, Senior General Manager, HOD, Vigilance. The host Ch. Krishna Keerthana, secretary of IEEE SB OUCE, continued the introductory session by informing the students about the theme, topic, procedure and rules and regulations which are described in detail further.

The theme of the session was INTEGRITY- A Way of life, under which the topic chosen was “Doing a wrong action for a right cause. Is it right or wrong?”. There were 6 panels each with a one judge each along with two volunteers. The judges were professors of EED, UCE(A), OU. After a 15-minute break to prepare and settle down, the competitions in all the panels started.

After the evaluation of all teams, the best in each panel was selected for Final round. The 6 teams were paired into 3 debates, which was conducted in the presence of all participants and judges. The topic for final round was “Can corruption be eradicated?” A winner was chosen from each debate conducted in final round. Then, depending on the total points scored, they were given the top 3 positions. During the final round, refreshments and snacks were distributed to the participants.

The Valediction ceremony was graced by the Prof M. Kumar, Principal, OCE(A), OU, Dr. E. VidyaSagar, Vice Principal, UCE(A), OU, Prof. G. Mallesham, Head of Department, EED, UCE, OU along with the Chief Guest Mr. V.J. Joseph from PGCIL. Mr. V.J. Joseph gave a small speech about the PGCIL and also regarding the topics chosen for debates. He was followed by the Principal, Vice Principal, HOD, EED all giving their opinions about the topics in hand. Finally, the winners were announced and were presented with trophies and cash prizes from the dignitaries present. First prize winners were given a cash prize of Rs. 5000, followed by Rs. 4000 for second and Rs. 2000 for third.

The event ended with the Vote of Thanks by the faculty coordinator, Mrs. E. Sreeshobha. Participation certificates were issued to all the participants.