WIE Affinity Group Orientation

WIE Affinity Group Orientation

The Orientation Program for recently formed Women in Engineering Affinity Group under IEEE Student Branch OUCE took place on 23rd December in the E-classroom of Electrical Engineering Department at 4.00 p.m. The Head of the Department Prof. G. Mallesham and the Faculty Advisor for WIE AG Prof. M. Manjula graced the occasion.

The Vice Chair to WIE AG, D. Naga Samhitha, started the orientation by briefing about what WIE is and what it actually deals with. She also explained in detail what an Affinity Group is and how this WIE helps to improve professional career of women in society. Later Prof. M. Manjula spoke about all the benefits of getting into WIE and also how women need to get together and support each other in this society. She also added about Mrs. A. Lalitha, who is the first electrical engineer in India, and motivated every woman to conquer their dreams no matter the obstacles and explained how in this case WIE comes into the picture. She concluded her speech by wishing committee members of WIE all the best.

Prof. G. Mallesham then spoke about how happy he was to be a part of forming WIE in the college. He congratulated WIE team and encouraged every woman to be bold in doing whatever they want without restricting themselves. He added women need to participate more in outdoor activities and make themselves more physically strong. He stressed on the fact that women should be treated as equal to men in each and every aspect and made a point that women need to have respect for themselves first and not to treat themselves any lesser than men.

Next, Chair of WIE, Ch. Krishna Keerthana, explained in detail about the future events of WIE like having a session by SHE Team on how to handle emergency situations, having karate classes and yoga sessions, conducting sports for women every month and having women’s day celebrations each year. She also added about the membership details (which is free for IEEE  members) and briefed about the benefits of having that membership.

The session concluded by a performance by the music club of our college who came forward to encourage WIE AG.